Monday, September 30, 2019

Theories on Criminal Behavior

There are many theories that provide an explanation of criminal behavior. According to some theories, delinquent behavior is innate in an individual. Other theories say that crime is influenced by environmental, economic, and psychological aspects (University of North Texas, nd). Biological Theories According to the biological theories, criminals have a different physiological makeup from non-criminals. Their biological inferiority is what pushes them to resort to criminal activities.There had been multiple studies that attempts to find out if criminality is hereditary through analysis of family trees, identical and fraternal twins, statistics, and adopted children. However, these approaches have proved futile because they cannot distinguish hereditary from environmental influences (University of North Texas, nd). Contemporary researches, on the other hand, has discovered a wide array of biological factors that have direct or indirect connection with criminal or delinquent activities .Among them are lack of chemicals, minerals, and vitamins in the food they eat, sugar and carbohydrates-rich food, and hypoglycemia. Exposure to radiation, dysfunctions in the brain, and swallowing of food dyes and lead also play an important role in criminal behaviors. Likewise, criminal acts have something to do with hormonal abnormalities, particularly those that are connected with testosterone (the male sex hormone) and progesterone and estrogen (the sex hormones related to female). By injecting estrogen to male sex offenders would minimize their sexual drives(University of North Texas, nd).In addition, biological theorists likewise believe that the interplay of biological, environmental and social conditions can have an effect on criminal behavior. The genetic makeup of the criminal gives them a predisposition to act in a certain manner. The environmental and social conditions determines the actual behavior as well as the definition of that act(University of North Texas, nd). P sychological Theories The belief that criminal behavior is caused by low intelligence gained ground in the United States.In order to prove this view, a study was conducted in 1931 and reached a zero correlation between the intelligence of an individual and criminal behavior(University of North Texas, nd). According to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, criminal behaviors are associated with psychopaths or those who have internal problems that have been unresolved. Psychopaths are people who are rules by senseless guilt, subjective conscience, and no do not know how to distinguish right from wrong. In general, they find it hard to establish relationships with other people and do not know how to be emphatic(University of North Texas, nd).Sociological TheoriesAccording to sociologists, how people behave is determined by the social group as well as the social structure. The conditions of their society may cause them to commit crimes and delinquency(University of North Texas, nd).Sub-cultural Theory of DelinquencyIn the 1920s, the Chicago School, composed of sociologists, attempted to discover the connection between the crime rate of a community and its characteristics. According to this theory, social disorganization can take place in a neighborhood where the rate of delinquency is high.Social disorganization takes place when:1) there is absence of delinquency control;2) the criminal behavior is most of the time with the consent of parents as well as the community;3) the opportunity for delinquency presents itself; 4) there is minimal encouragement, training, or possibility for legal employment(University of North Texas, nd).Anomie TheoryThis theory was proposed by Robert Merton in 1938. Anomie explains the major difference between the cultural objectives and social structure of the United States. People experience strain as a result of their limited access to legal means of achieving wealth.In order to cope up with this inadequacy, people accumulate we alth through illegal methods as well as through conformity. Other forms of adaptation, according to the anomie theory, include ritualism, wherein the individual does not pursue the wealth actively, and rebellion, where the individual does not accept both the goal of the wealth as well as the legal means of obtaining it(University of North Texas, nd).Differential AssociationThis theory, introduced by Edwin Sutherland, is one of the major beliefs that explains the causes of criminal behavior.According to Sutherland, criminal behavior takes place because the delinquent individual has been exposed to criminal elements and isolated from anti-criminal patterns(University of North Texas, nd).Social Learning TheoryAccording to the principles of learning theory, the best way to approach criminality is to implement policies that would effectively punish criminals. Sadly, this is not being implemented in the United States. At present, the delinquent individual is usually not incarcerated and r eturned to the same community where they have been exposed to criminal behavior.Likewise, the method of punishment lacks consistency and is not immediately implemented. Alternative or prosocial behaviors is not rewarded with positive reinforcement(University of North Texas, nd).Social Control TheoryThe social control theory does not attempt to uncover the reasons why criminal behavior is committed but rather focuses on why people conform and accept these behaviors(University of North Texas, nd). Travis Hirschi, in his 1969 book Causes of Delinquency, provides a comprehensive presentation of contemporary social control theory.In his book, Hirschi concluded that delinquent behavior is likely unless the offender is exposed in a society that is characterized by attachment to other people, commitment to traditional means of action, involvement in usual activities, and concurrence to moral order and law(University of North Texas, nd). Moreover, Hirschi explained that the leading cause of delinquency is ineffective child rearing, which results to individuals with low self-control(University of North Texas, nd).Labeling TheoryThis theory places emphasis on the criminalization process itself as the reason for some crimes.The criminalization process refers to the definition of criminals and delinquent behavior. According to the labeling theory, the first time a person commits a delinquent act and gets punished by the criminal system, they are already viewed as a criminal and it eventually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy(University of North Texas, nd).Conflict TheoryThis theory delves on the struggle between rich and poor, management and employees, majority and minority group. According to the conflict theory, society involves conflicts between rival interest groups and that the law and justice system functions in order to control subordinate groups.Crime results from the lack of power(University of North Texas, nd).Radical/Marxist TheoryAccording to this theory, capi talism demands competition of people in order to gain material wealth. Because of the uneven distribution of wealth, people have taken advantage of people who are less powerful than them as they accumulate wealth(University of North Texas, nd). According to the radical theory, criminal behavior is caused by what Marx calls class struggle (University of North Texas, nd).Real Life Cases of Criminal Behavior For a period of two years, FBI Special Agent Robert Hazelwood and Janet Warren from the University of Virginia’s Institute of Psychiatry and Law conducted interviews of 41 men who were convicted for the rape of 837 victims. Based on the interviews, 55-61% of the criminals committed premeditated rape during the first, middle, and final act. 15 – 22% of the criminals said that their acts were results of their impulse while 22 – 24% said that the opportunity to rape presented itself(Hazelwood & Warren, 1990).According to Janet Warren from the University of Virgini a, there are methods of sexual attacks on women. The first one is called the ‘con’ approach. In this method, the rapist openly talks to their victims and asks if they can do anything to help them. As soon as the victim is within their control, that is the time they perpetrate their evil plans. This was the case used by one of the interviewed rapists named John, who was responsible for raping 20 victims(Hazelwood & Warren, 1990). The second method used by rapist is the ‘blitz.Here the rapist physically assaults their victims by using chemicals or gases. Most of the times, however, they use their strength to overpower the woman. This was the case of 28 year-old Phil, who raped one of his victims in a vehicle(Hazelwood & Warren, 1990). Finally, the third method is the ‘surprise. ’ In this approach, the rapist pre-selects their would-be victim. The physical assault is perpetrated by the offender waiting for the woman. Weapons, such as guns or knives, as w ell as threats are involved in the surprise approach. 24-year old Sam chooses his victims by observing her patterns.He was able to rape 20 victims before he was caught(Hazelwood & Warren, 1990).ConclusionThere are many theories that explain the reasons why people resort to criminal behaviors. The causes of criminality may be psychological, social, or biological.ReferencesExplaining Crime. University of North Texas. Retrieved July 21 2008 from http://www. unt. edu/cjus/Course_Pages/CJUS_2100/2100chapter3. pptHazelwood, R. , & Warren, J(February 1990). The Criminal Behavior of the Serial Rapist. Holysmoke. Org. Retrieved July 21 2008 from http://www. holysmoke. org/fem/fem0126. htm

The Study of Human Resource Recruiting and Selection

The recruit and selects is human resources management foundation work, it is the enterprise recruits talented person’s main way. This research intends to compare the human resource planning when carrying out recruitment and selection activities within an organization, as well as the issues of managerial shifts. The purpose of this research is to provide the relationship between the recruitment and selection, no matter it is in traditional firms or high technique company. In addition, some related issues will be addressed to analyze the relationship among variables in the viewpoints of strategic human resource. The aspects of recruiting and selection consistent recruiting methods, the recruiting effectiveness, besides it know how, the supporting staff is more appropriate to be sent outbound of he is more accommodating to the environment. Recruitment and Selection Recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of qualified applicants from which candidates for job vacancies can be selected. And selection is the linking of selection activities to he organisation’s strategic business objectives and culture. At the first of recruits procedure is human resource planning, make a planning of recruitment involve times, jobs and number of people. The second is recruitment, to acquaintance the market, accepts the application. Then is selecting include preliminary interview, interview and other test, after all of these, the company may consider to make a decision about employ and send a message. At last we should make an evaluation about the programmed decision and efficiency. Recruits and selects contains separately in the human resources plan, takes two important components. ? Recruitment In the recruitment industry there are essentially four ways of recruit new employees. First method: utilization of employment agencies. Which serve as a central location for employers and employees to meet. In an employment agency, one application for employment can be considered for numerous positions with various companies. Second method: recruitment websites. Serve as a virtual employment agency and function in essentially the same way. Recruitment websites have a broader range, however, since prospective employers and employees can be located anywhere in the world. Third method: headhunting Involves the active search for exceptionally skilled, talented individuals for professional and executive recruitment. The â€Å"headhunter† travels anywhere that the potential employee benefits package that is difficult to refuse. Fourth method: in-house recruitment Involves the promotion of employees from lower-wage jobs to higher ones within the same company. Also, in-house recruitment may include the posting of bulletins on lunch room bulletin boards, narrowing the job search to current employees or their families and friends. ? Selection Making the wrong hiring choices is costly and time consuming for organizations of all sizes. An effective way for businesses to identify the best candidates for a position is through a structured, job focused interviewing process, where interviewers have effective interviewing skills and understand the legal aspects of employment practices. For example, the strategy of managerial talent the TCL selects. ? Clear about managerial talent’s quality and ability request: Along with TCL enterprise group's growing strong, is getting higher and higher to all levels of managerial talent's quality and ability request. he final goal, is adapts the high strength market competition, the acceleration and the international market trail connection, thus causes the enterprise to advance to the internationalization. The excavation wisdom, the multi-skill, the highly effective outstanding person managerial talent becomes most important. TCL proposed that , to be a qualified administrative personn el should have the following quality: 1. Specialized quality: Does is faces the world, face future superintendent, must have the high ideological awareness, with good occupational ethics. Has the intense historical mission and the sacrificing spirit, approves the enterprise culture highly 2. Policy-making quality: The decision-making materially is to achieve the organization goal, correct analysis, effective action process. Participates in the critical moment decisive function which in the enterprise competes and grows strong 3. Leadership quality: The leadership is one should say that rallies together to achieve the organization goal the behavior. The outstanding leader has the very strong influence and the rallying point. Has the high prestige in the populace. 4. Intelligence quality: The intelligence is refers to the people to know the objective things, and using understanding actual problem ability. To the administrative personnels, the intelligence quality is engaged in the leadership work the precondition. The administrative personnels pay great attention to strengthen the self-development consciousness, improves own intelligence quality. Thus, can better deal with the market competition. 5. Innovation quality: The superintendent is the enterprise innovative activities initiator. Enterprise innovation including mentality innovation, knowledge renewal and so on. The innovation is the modern competition win sharp weapon. Therefore, the modern enterprise policy-makers should have the very strong innovation ability ? Grasps the science efficient path to select managerial talent 1. Democracy recommendation: The democracy recommendation chooses only then the beginning, it indicates the people to the above-mentioned person to be possible the receptivity. In order to manifest chooses only then the objectivity, fairness, integrity. Therefore, the democracy recommendation throughout chooses only then one of essential methods. 2. Achievement inspection: The working ability determination's most practical method is manifests through the achievement. Usually inspects its work thought to be correct or not, the method of work is whether scientific, working efficiency height. This achievement inspection way, becomes the modern human affairs science inspection the new system. Human resource planning. A human resource plan is a systematic process of matching the interests, skills and talents of individual community members with the long-term goals and economic opportunities in the community. Like all activities, creating a human resource plan needs to involve the relevant community sectors, so that their participation and input will lead to strong community support. A very real need to see results makes planning seem wasteful of time, diverting efforts from doing. Impatience with planning is always a challenge. Public expectations may be unrealistic, looking for jobs as an immediate outcome. Careful assessment may turn up more human resource development needs than the projected or existing resources and funding can handle, and this may require excruciating choices. Conclusion Recruitment and selects has two meanings; first, recruitment with selects is the enterprise obtains the human resources the method; second, recruitment with selects means that chooses the most appropriate staff. Realizes the person hillock match, matches personally with the team, matches personally with the organization. How is the employment recruit work quality to the enterprise the influence often long-term, even decisive. Formulate exterior personnel replacement plan goal is has the plan to buy in the personnel to supplement in the future the vacant job. The exterior personnel replacement plan is not only plans simply needs to introduce any personnel, but also to introduce how many personnel. And must coordinate to work out a series of plans to guarantee that can incur to the appropriate human resources. According to the plan step and the content, may divide into again the exterior personnel replacement plan two sub-plans, namely recruits to plan and to select the plan.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Superhero, a moral example

What images will come into your mind when you are thinking about Superhero? People usually image superheroes as men that with extraordinary powers. And they are secret identity that would like to protect other people from dangerous but never ask for reward. Superheroes are famous to people since Superman debuted in 1978. Today, millions of dollars has spent on Superhero movie in Hollywood because more and more people become a superhero fan to identify with the heroes, sharing not only their special powers, but also their adventure stories.In the Hollywood movies, a superhero usually is a white man with extraordinary powers and abilities that beyond normal human beings. Superheroes devote themselves to fighting crime or evil without expectation of reward. The superheroes usually consider as the moral code, however, different people hold different attitudes toward superheroes that some people do not agree that superheroes are moral examples. They believe that superheroes are a kind of selfless heroism but they have done so by their self-interest. And superheroes usually break laws in their actions which are against our society.Moreover, a lot of people seem to think that superheroes will use their super power to destroy our world in the future. Thus, superheroes cannot be considered as moral examples. Even though self-interest influences superheroes’ heroism, superheroes are moral examples because their actions are lead to be greater good than evil. People usually doubt about a superhero like superman is a kind of selfless heroism but he has done so by â€Å"acting in his own self-interest† (Waid, 10). Superman acts this because his natural instincts, so we can argue that superheroes do this because their self-interest make them like to do this.Loeb and Morris point out that, some people think about Superheroes and their actives that â€Å"they do it because they like to do it† (13). However, Waid point out that â€Å"in helping others, Supe rman helps himself. In helping himself, he helps others† (10). When helping other people, superheroes are helping themselves. They are using their power to help people and not doing evil thing, as long as they are doing good, their actions are lead to be greater good and nothing evil. The symbol of Superman gives American people a lot of hope.For example, during the Great Depression, America, the most powerful country in the world, was not as strong as before. Therefore, the Americans imaged that the Superman could come and lead them toward a new world. They respected Superman because they believed that Superman could help them regain the confidence and give them good expects for the future life. The symbol of Superman made them feel hopeful in such despair. In addition, during the Vietnam War, many young people such as â€Å"hippie† in the United States rebelled the society by having long hair, using drugs, embracing sexual revolution and so on ( Hippie).This was total ly against the value of the Americans. At that time, people are looking for a man to save these young people, but who could come and save them? The answer is Superman, the alien from other planet with extraordinary power. In the movie, Superman, Clark Kent, is a reporter working for the Daily Planet. However, he is completely different from the American young people at that time. He doesn’t smoke, lie, or cheat. And he is very different from Hippie. Superman has a kind heart; he is helping others who are in need. As a result, Superman sets a moral example for the American young people during the Vietnam War.And Americans believe the image of Superman is the good example for the young Americans, and Superman will stop young people from doing evil things and lead them to a healthy and positive life. Therefore Superheroes are famous to all Americans. It was obvious that Superheroes are such a kind of people that have super powers and abilities that different from normal people. And they are the person helping those people who cannot help themselves from evil, and make the evil end with greater good. Many people insist that superheroes such as batman are not the moral example.Batman breaks some of the laws when he is fighting against criminals which are against our society. It may be true that Batman is a law breaker, but it doesn't mean that Superheroes like batman are not moral examples for us. For example, Batman’s emotions forced him into his role. He felt that it was his duty to avenge his parents by fighting against every evil thing that he meets. He considers Gotham City, which he lives in, as a city with criminals around every corner. Batman takes great pleasure in cleaning up all evil criminal around the whole city.He never worried about whether it is against the law. Because Batman knows that when he breaks some of the laws, he is going to capture the real criminals who are acting against more important laws, and to protect the law-abiding citizens of the city from these real criminals. For Batman, â€Å"laws may be unjust, politicians may be corrupt, and the legal system may actually protect the wicked† (Skoble 32). But none of these will stop him from becoming crime-fighting vigilantes. He insists that â€Å"Evil must be punished† (Skoble 37). Therefore he will keep on cleaning up the evil in his city.It is natural to believe that Batman is a â€Å"dangerous† and â€Å"fascist reactionary† (Skoble 31), but we shouldn't ignore that he has always been â€Å"cautious† and â€Å"measured† (Skoble 33) when using his extraordinary powers. Moreover, Batman has consistently using his extraordinary powers when he is fighting against criminals only. Although the nature of Batman’s violence makes him break some of the laws, there is no evidence to suggest that it is wrong for Batman to fight crime and keep innocent people safe by using his extraordinary powers.In addition, Super heroes’ actions force us to rethink our roles in this world. The terrorism continues in our world, and there are crimes happen all over the world every day. We all need justice and peace, but most of us do not want to take our responsibility to protect our world, we just looking for ways to feel better about ourselves. By contract, Superheroes are fighting a never ending battle for truth, for justice, for peace. They keep playing their roles as everyone’s protector; they devote their lives to fighting crimes.Sometimes, we may think about the law and morality when we value what superheroes have do for us. We may find out that, superheroes may do something against law and consider not morality. However, superheroes keep playing their roles as everyone’s protector; they devote their lives to fighting crime that inspired many people to become masked â€Å"crime-fighters† (Skoble 34). It was obvious that superheroes force us to rethink our views about law and social order, and ask us to use them as a mirror to see ourselves more clearly that lead us to take our responsibility to protect our world.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Real-Time Systems in Information Technology Term Paper

Real-Time Systems in Information Technology - Term Paper Example The holdup and dimension of the transistors have concentrated tremendously evaluated to a combination of years previously. The poignant object (however not suddenly) is that these developers have not to approach free. Through steady variable towards sub-micron age plenty of new troubles, as well as confronts, should be tackled; exclusive of that the forecast of Moores law would be detained and termination of CMOS technology within a couple of years will be observed. These new expansions have placed the foundation of the Real-Time Operating system. These systems have provided us lot advantages regarding effective working in the industrial areas, common life, and computing. An RTOS is a multitasking operating system that is planned for computer applications by means of a rigid time limit. RTOS applications comprise a number of manufacturing robots, spacecraft, vehicle engine regulators, little-embedded computer arrangement, engineering control as well as a number of huge level computin g arrangements (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagine, 2002). An untimely instance of a huge level real-time OS was business dealing out capability urbanized by US Airlines as well as IBM for the Airline of Sabre that is also acknowledged as the Sabre online reservations system. In a computer system, the OS is the software that is in charge of the management and administration of computer hardware as well as for the essential functions. Moreover, it offers bases on which we can execute other software applications such as MS word or media player (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagine, 2002). As OS develops, yet additional services are estimated to be the general foundation. Nowadays an operating system can be essential to offer Internet and network connectivity. They can be necessary to care for the system from damage through virus (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagine, 2002).  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Mcdonalds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Mcdonalds - Essay Example However, the real problem which the company is facing in India is the dilemma of implementing the international food standards and at the same time meeting the unique tastes and preferences of the Indians. The success of the company in the market can be evaluated using Porter’s Five Forces. Therefore the competitive forces within the market, the power of suppliers and buyers and the threat of new entrants and substitutes are the forces against which the evolution of McDonald’s in the Indian market can be analyzed. PEST Analysis Political Factors McDonald’s international expansion faced political challenges because â€Å"not everyone in the world was happy to welcome McDonald’s into their country† (Center for Management Research, 2011). However, India has been described as one of the world’s largest democracies, a factor which is attributed to the liberalization of business activities within the country. Because of this liberalization McDonald ’s was allowed to enter the Indian market for its food products. Regardless of this liberalization, foreign investors are only allowed to operate in India through partnership and as a result, the company has ventured into partnerships with local investors such as Hardcastle Restaurants Private Limited which provide food products to the Indian market. Moreover, the Indian government is fairly stable which has provided a secure business environment for McDonald’s business operations. Because of the political stability within India, the company has invested in various parts of the country through opening many outlets which are aimed at serving the market with sufficiency. The marketing strategy of the company includes various promotional campaigns through sports activities. The fact that the government of India is involved in the purchase of large quantities of sportswear demonstrates that the political environment favors the marketing strategy of the company. Economic Fa ctors India is experiencing positive economic growth and thus leading to an increase in the ability of the population to spend money. This has elevated the sales revenue of McDonald’s within the Indian market. The economic climate in India is characterized with Multinational Companies (MNC) restrictions such as the support of companies which promote technological growth as opposed to food companies such as McDonalds and thus causing an economic hindrance of the company’s operations within the country. The economic forces within the Indian market are largely controlled by the market which defines the entry and exit of foreign companies to the market. However there in an increased support for employment within India which has enabled McDonald’s to acquire skilled labor within its business outlets. Social Factors In India, McDonald has been viewed as a â€Å"symbol of American economic and cultural domination† (Center for Management Research, 2011). This ill ustrates that the social environment in India has been a challenge to McDonald’s operations. The major social challenge in India is the fact that cows are being worshipped and thus the company is unable to provide the market with its beef products. It is however argued that the vegetarian diet among Indians did not prevent McDonald’s from success in the Indian market. Since, religion is attributed to the vegetarian di

Sandra Cisneros family and life experiences to themes in his or her Essay

Sandra Cisneros family and life experiences to themes in his or her literature - Essay Example Most of her works are about poor-to-middle class Latinas in the world of modern America. She speaks reality in most of her works. Her works have been featured in periodicals such as The New Yorker, The Los Angeles Times, Elle, Grand Street, The Village Voice, The New York Times and Glamour. Her most popular novel The House on Mango Street earned worldwide applause. It is about a young Latina girl growing up in Chicago experiencing the harsh reality of life with lessons that can benefit the readers. Her work is highly acclaimed in the literary world such that schools included her work in their curriculum as part of required reading materials (Bergolhz, 2007). Cisneros has earned her living through writing for more than 45 years already. She has published more than 35 publications (Cisneros, 2013). But it was after school that Sandra discovered that she would become a writer. After she graduated from Loyola in Chicago in the year 1976, she attended the University of Iowa’s Write rs Workshop. It was this time of her life that she felt alone, isolated and so out of place. She felt different from her well-bred classmates. This feeling did not suppress her, instead, it uplifted her spirit to become who she is right now. As she quoted in Publishers Weekly, â€Å"It was not until this moment when I separated myself, when I considered myself truly distinct, that my writing acquired a voice. That’s when I decided I would write about something my classmates couldn’t write about† (LaBalle, C. 2002). Sandra has been writing poems and stories while growing up. But it was her feelings of alienation that Sandra felt during her writing workshops that made her realize what she would be writing about. As an American-Mexican living in an Americanized culture, she felt herself unique. Instead of dwelling in her differences, she decided to write about the stories about what she has gone through in life. The encountered conflicts during her growing years su ch as poverty, cultural differences, social alienation and degradation, and her feelings as a Latina writer are the topics of interests in most of her writings (Jufer,J. ,2013). While her well bred classmates wrote about good homes, nice family and good life, Sandra chooses her topic mostly about women finding their strength in life rising as victors in their poor conditions. She mirrors the harshness of life and the reality of pain clearly through her poems, short stories and novels. She develops strong characters carrying stories that can enrich and encourage souls. Washington Post Book World connotes her as â€Å"a writer of power and eloquence and great lyrical beauty† (Gale, 1998). Sandra Cisneros did not have an easy life. She can’t relate with the traditional homes and families. She was brought up in the state of poverty. She was born in Chicago, but her family moved from place to place most of the time. This situation has great impact to her such that she becam e shy, conscious and has no lasting friends. She exposed this side of her in Publisher Weekly quoting â€Å"The moving back and forth, the new school were very upsetting to me as a child. They caused me to be very introverted and shy. I do not remember making friend easily.† (Gale, 1998). The constant movements made her feel unfit and lonely. She resolved into reading books and expressed her melancholy through writing. These experiences she had from her

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Security Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Issues - Essay Example The popularity of internet prompts the use of e-business. Most commercial activities apply the use of e-commerce. Through, e commerce involves e banking, supply chain management, electronic data processing (EDI), and online-business processing, amongst other transactions. Countries like UK widely employ the use of Ecommerce. Statistics confirms the fact by the sale of close to $175 billion in the year 2007, and the anticipation for growth nears $335 billion by 2012. The integration of the digital world poses a security threat to the citizen; as many would propose. Is there a back-up in case of a software crash, power-cut or hardware malfunction? Simply spilling coffee on a computer could ruin or damage everything. According to Muhammad Awais (2012) three main weakness of e-commerce are; security, fake websites and fraud. Abu-Ein et al. (2012) in their article â€Å"E-commerce: Security and Applications† also mention attacks by hackers and non-trusted personnel. Human factors are another concern that could cause serious problems. E commerce comes with privacy issues that affect customers significantly. This appears prompted by fraud, theft and impersonation of individuals who end up fooling customers. This appears to destroy a company’s name. The United States government reports security breaches in nine leading retailers; and a minimum of 40 million in debit and credit card numbers. The US Attorneys considers hacking, and impersonation as the most dominant theft cases ever acted against by the justice department. In a bid to conquer the problem, the EU and the US legislation authorize some organizations to disclose to customers how to verify the validity of their product (Evans, 2012). The revelations appear effective when delivered through privacy policies, in online and offline situations. Some studies experiments deem the relating of privacy policies via trustworthiness,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Development of the motorways and its impact on the society Essay

Development of the motorways and its impact on the society - Essay Example otorways were constructed to fit into a maze of road networks that link major parts of Britain by road and aid high speed transportation throughout the country. Roads are important components of the development of any nation. The Romans and Chinese Empires relied on roads, which became the bases for motorways almost two millenia after they were started (Needham & Gwei-Djen, 1962). Roads were really vital for each empire in history. In comparative studies, Needham & Gwei-Djen identified that the Aztec empire of Mexico collapsed rapidly because they did not have a network of roads. However, the longevity of the Chinese Empire and the development of European nations is strongly linked to the development of a sophisticated network of roads. 3. It enabled the trading activities of the empire to go on smoothly because it ensured that goods were moved from different points of the Roman empire with ease. This enabled the exchange of goods and ensured the fair development of different parts of the Roman empire over a sustained period of time. Although the Roman roads are quite archaic, it formed the basis for the development of motorways as we have them today. The roads in the Roman Empire started as primitive unpaved roads however, with the increase of traffic on certain roads, there was the need for the infrastructure to be improved to enable the easy movement of persons and goods (Van Tilburg, 2002). This gave way for the development of the paved road-system which is replicated in the construction of motorways (Van Tilburg, 2002). The paved road-system effectively increased the width of roads, supported the integration of engineering constructions like bridges, dams and tunnels into roads and laid the foundation for the development of infrastructure in the Middle Ages (Van Tilburg, 2002). These roads were used by individuals and animal-drawn carts. When cars became popular in the 1900s, there was the need to modify the old road systems to ensure that they could be

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflective Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflective Manager - Essay Example As Wiesen (2011) states, â€Å"the purpose of employee development is for workers at a company to learn skills that they can use within the workplace†. Learning is considered a key phase in the employee development process which not only improves the performance of employees but also makes them able to overcome global competition challenges successfully. Learning in organizations holds an important place because of a large number of associated benefits. Learning is basically related to the improvement in skills, abilities, and knowledge of employees through training, coaching, and direct observation. Managers and employees all benefit from the reflective process of learning. The first stage of the reflective process is awareness which leads to the critical analysis. The critical analysis plays the role of a link between past experiences and the future. The last step of the reflective learning process is learning which helps managers and employees in improving their skills, abi lities, and job performances. Learning through coaching can help Comet in many ways. As Chakravarthy (2011) states, â€Å"the coach has to help the person learn the requisite attitude, behavior and skills needed to perform the job successfully†. ... The importance of learning in organizations cannot be denied in today’s world of ongoing competition. If we talk about the levels of reflection from learning perspective, we can say that at the lowest level, learning is task-specific and usually helps in problem-solving, whereas the highest level of the reflective process of learning helps managers and employees in overcoming challenges underlying attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions. Learning helps employees grasp more knowledge about the way they should perform their job responsibilities, as well as help them grow in their professional careers. Learning also helps managers in managing their entire job related activities and responsibilities in an effective manner (Peter 2012). Some of the main learning methods that can use to achieve the goals of improved organizational performance and strategic agility include on the job training, off the job training, small group discussions, and cross training. On-The-Job learning plays a vital role in boosting the learning process for employees and managers. This method focuses on improving employee efficiency using the approach of activity-based learning. Use of direct learning and temporary work rotations help managers in dealing with changing scenarios in an effective manner. Another thing which goes side by side with learning is the need to increase the level of confidence of people. Learning brings in the required level on confidence in people which is critical for increasing job productivity and performance. â€Å"Organizational learning allows for teams to learn exactly what is relevant to their specific tasks and specialties† (Silberman 2013). Along with increasing confidence of managers and employees, on-the-job learning also helps them in reducing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Purpose of School Essay Example for Free

The Purpose of School Essay In my opinion, the purpose of school is to educate, not teach, students in certain areas of knowledge chosen by those of the Board of Education in order to create ‘functioning’ members of ‘normal’ society. The difference between to educate and to teach is how the knowledge is presented. To educate is ‘to bring up (a child, physically or mentally), rear, nourish, support, or produce (plants or animals’ basically to use verbal methods such as lectures in a class setting, or praise for young child to create a specific skill set embedded in a person, be it information or behavior patterns. To teach is ‘to show, declare, demonstrate; teach, instruct, train; assign, prescribe, direct’ basically to use physical means to create an understanding of how something is performed. A common example of the two would be university and college. University is known for its textbooks and very written/audible learning styles whereas college is known as being more hands on. An even more common example would be a child’s journey to come to understand to stay away from a hot stove. A parent could verbally warn them of the dangers, but only once the child has learned through physical interaction does the warning remain in his mind. With these definitions, the title ‘teacher’ is misleading because those at the front of the room are not using methods to involve the students in learning, they are simply showing a PowerPoint and having the students write it in their note book; ‘Educator’ would be a more appropriate term to define those who are hired to only relay thoughtless knowledge because unless there is a physical aspect, it is harder to learn. One example would be sports. Watching Gretzky play hockey day in and day out does not mean that you will be able to skate like him if you have never skated before. Only by training your muscles and learning by acting will anyone begin to skate like a professional. Another example would be learning to play an instrument or learning to speak a language. Simply watching videos or taking notes on other peoples learning does not constitute you learning those skills because there are no sensory attachments. In History class, what is stopping a teacher from throwing out the PowerPoint’s, and having students act out a revolutionary battle? Old videos with droning old voices are not involving students in what the video is presenting. Naming their classmates after leaders of opposing sides, and acting out the battle would be both interactive, and create a better visual for what really happened during that battle. These tactics are not available to the students because ‘teachers’ do not make them available. Field trips, science experiments and interactive group projects are some examples of potential teaching strategies that are used sparingly. My own science teacher set the ceiling on fire during an experiment and we had to evacuate the room. While we all had a good laugh, we all remembered for a long time what chemicals not to mix if we did not want to scorch our ceilings. Out of three and a half years of schooling, not much will be retained over the long periods of time, let alone the 5 months to exams. What is remembered is the centrifugal force explained while on a trip to Canada’s Wonderland, and experiencing it on a roller coaster. Field trips are memorable and educational, and they teach students what educators cannot. Experience has always been an advantage of human nature and will always be a part of human nature. Sitting in a desk writing words not our own is not how we as people are supposed to learn. In the past, apprenticeships were how people learned, by physically performing the task over and over, allowing not only the brain to learn, but the muscles. By testing students on their ability to learn the same way as everyone else takes away the freedom and excitement of knowledge, transforming what could have been an eager mind starving for knowledge, into a box filled with what a group of individuals determined the majority of people should know. In my opinion, school is not a place for learning; it is a place for education. School is a confined space in which students are expected to conform to one set standards. The school building is a house that its residents despise, yet continue to walk the narrow hallways like mice in a cheese maze while others ‘guide’ us to where we should end up.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Distinctive Ethnic Youth Cultures In Britain Cultural Studies Essay

The Distinctive Ethnic Youth Cultures In Britain Cultural Studies Essay Youth cultures in Britain became prominent within discourse during the 1960s-80s, with an amalgam of different subcultures emerging. Upon answering this question, I shall endeavour to construct an analysis of ethnic subcultures within Britain during the mid 20th century, and analyse the extent in which these cultures could be identified as distinctive, or whether they could be seen to be embracive to all ethnicities within society. Post war immigration was seen as a watershed moment within British history. The result of mass immigration bestowed Britain with a economic advantage on a global scale. From a Marxist perspective, the British were now able to maintain profit accumulation through now having a reserve army of labour. Black youth cultures became prominent during the 1960s and 1970s, being the first generation of black youths to be born in Britain. Research often comments on the way in which black people felt like being victims outside of British society, being an ambiguous presence inside the popular culture of the host society' (1987, 160). Youth deeply felt that they never had the African or Caribbean connection, which was instilled within their parents, and further, though being born in Britain, they were failed by the indigenous society to be seen as British. Mullard (1973) further expressed this view by quoting, A black born in Britain, is a shadow of a man. You are not West Indian, Pakistani or African, because you were born in Britain and you know little or nothing about your parents country (cited in 1978,181). Therefore, youth felt somewhat disillusioned to their belonging, subsequently resulting in diaspora and animosity towards white inhabitants. Moreover racialised rhetoric was evidential within society and the media. Love thy Neighbour was a popular British sitcom in the 60s which sought to demonstrate prejudicial attitudes towards black people within Britain, which were expressed on a daily basis. It further sought to portray the way in the prejudicial, bigoted attitudes expressions of the character Eddie Booth appeared stupid. On the other hand, the black male character Bill Reynolds, was a smart educated person, who often ended up having the last laugh when Eddie tried to outdo him. Rising Damp which also aired in the 1970s had elements of racial discourse from the main character Rigsby, who was the landlord, towards one of the tenants, Philip Smith. As Philip was a black man, he often brought out knee-jerk suspicions from Rigsby. From analysing these television episodes, its seems incontrovertible that these programmes presented a clear image of the prejudicial discourse/ neo colonial sphere of thought that was poignant within society, however at the same time, it endeavoured to humanise the element of racialism in order to portray how futile and inane these attitudes were. One cannot negate the element of mugging, which had heightened black youth subcultures. Hall et al. in Policing the Crisis: Mugging the State and Law and Order (1978), explained the considerable impact that the media had in perpetuating a negativistic image of black young males, being constructed as your archetypal muggers. This had a pronounced effect within society, causing a moral panic and influencing the police force to carry out more stop and searches on black people than their white counterparts. The extent of the excessive stop and searches brought about the West Indian Standing Council to claim that the police were engaging in nigger hunting and that the British black population had now been demonised. Rastafarianism brought collective identity amongst a number of black youth. Bound together by their struggles and looking to their return to Zion from Babylon. The Rastafarian movement arose in during the 1930s in Jamaica. Rastafarians worship Haile Selassie I, believing he is the resurrected manifestation of Jah and will ultimately lead Rastafarians to Zion (Ethiopia). In order to achieve this, western society (Babylon) is strongly rejected, and seen as corrupt. Rastas also believe in Zion being the original birthplace of mankind, and embrace various socio-political and Afrocentric teachings of Marcus Garvey who is regarded as a prophet. The use of cannabis is embraced, both within spiritual realms and as a symbol of rebellion to Babylon. Rastafarians usually grow their hair into dreadlocks, backed from a Biblical perspective. The Rastafarian colours are red, gold and green, originating from the Marcus Garvey movement, the Jamaican flag, and the Ethiopian flag. In the case of black subculture in Britain, Babylon was identified as London, furthermore Brixton, as there was a high volume of Rastafarians. Dreadlocks were seen by the police in effect as sticking two fingers up at them. There was a deep sense of animosity amongst police and their dislike for black in particular having dreadlocks. It is important to note that although not all black youth adopted the Rastafarian religion, the overwhelming majority of black youth embraced the clothing which they used as symbolic significance to try and end the problem of racism. Rastafarians were often criticised for their beliefs, and in extreme situations, were even rejected by other blacks within Britain. It is imperative to mention that the style of fashion Rastafarians adopted, was also embraced by some white males. The clothing style was adopted, and in some cases, selective patois words were used. Reggae played an integral role within Rastafarianism. This genre was very distinctive as it drew on vivid experiences of black people in Jamaica. It was further distinctive as it used its own language, being Jamaican patois, which was stolen by their master during slavery and colonialism. Usually, the music demonstrates the journey from Africa to the West Indies during slavery. Furthermore, reggae sought to express a back to Africa belief, and a vision of a new Africa based on an Arcadian vision (1990,19). Reggae is also known for its critique of Babylon within its lyrics. On the whole, it is clear that Rastafarianism was a religion adopted by black youth, it were a religion symbolising the struggles against the white dominant culture in Babylon. Moreover, the event Rock Against Racism (RAR), is another example of how ethnic cultures had element that related to some white youth. The campaign was set up in 1976, and used to be a one off occasion. However this changed when Eric Clapton made a remark which supported Enoch Powells River of Blood speech. This was met with heightened animosity amongst youth of ethnic minority, and fans in the rock/punk scene. There was further irony as Eric Clapton had been very much influenced by black music, further, teaming up with Bob Marley to create the hit I shot the Sherriff. Carol Grimes, who became a leading spokeswoman for RAR, commented that the campaign was more than tackling the element of race but for anyone who were victims of discrimination because of going against the status quo. She quoted, [t]he whole Rock Against Racism thing did more than just challenge racismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [i]t made the idea of black, brown and white united something real, and together we could tell the fas cists to f**k off (2009,223). The concert included Rock and Punk fans, of ethnicities. Without hesitation this extract shows that this campaign that punk/rock fans of black ethnic minority adopted within their subculture. Nevertheless, the concert embraced all people against racism and discrimination. The concept of black youth gang culture is still present within modern day. However, the reasons for their grouping up is somewhat different to that of the 1960s. As previously written earlier, black youth who followed the Rastafarian religion, or just adopted the style of clothing, were regarded as rude gang boys/ black gang rastas. Malcolm W. Klein expressed the view that in recent times, the UK has been typified by a number of gangs mainly situated in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. Klein further quoted that a resonating feature of these gangs, is that they were predominantly black ethnic minority street members, involved in the sale of drugs with high intergang rivalry and high levels of violence (2001,154). He specifically, looked at two gangs in Manchester, located within impoverished areas, called Moss Side. The name of the two gangs were, Gooch and Doddington, both involved in the drugs trade. Furthermore, they were also characterised by their sheer violence, wh ich peaked in 1992, with no less than 100 shootings taking place. This gives a flavour of the way in which black youth subcultures have changed in present day, with race struggles no longer pervasive, but characterised by the concern of selling drugs and being hard. This concept describes an individual expressing masculinity and strength within the physical realms. Through this, they are subsequently able to acquire status within the gang, and gain a better reputation. Grime genre brings the question of whether black subculture is a distinctive black subculture. Originating in the early 2000s as primarily a development of UK garage, it started to become more apparent from 2003, when Wiley and Dizzee Rascal released their albums Treddin on Thin Ice and Boy in da Corner respectively. It should be noted that research on this genre of music has been somewhat scarce, and my own approach is that it would bring interesting findings. Grime is now listened to by youth of all ethnicities, of all social classes. For example, Dizzee Rascal and Tinie Tempa have now helped to open the market to those who would not have usually listened. The sound of grime music has evolved, now having a fruity fusion with elements of pop and disco music. However predominantly black working class youth subcultures very much hold grime as their music in which they can relate to, especially during its infancy. During this time, and to an extent now, grime was based upon being hard and getting money. An example being hard is a tune by Scorcher called Gangsta, which was banned from television. Further interest, is the demographic location of grime videos. When watching Giggs Talking the hardest, the videos is set in Peckham, with a group of working class boys, predominantly black, with some having black bandanas as a sign of allegiance to the SN1 crew. The video at times also depicts the struggles that youth are going through, such as their run down accommodation. It seems incontrovertible that black subculture in grime is now based upon three elements, which is depicted within grime music, being hard getting money, and gang affiliation through certain dress codes. However, the development of grime has seen a wider market becoming interested, and with it has brought youth of different ethnicities. Asian subculture was another example of resistance that was present during this time. Less research on Asian youth culture was published during the 1950s to 80s. Asian youth subculture will be specifically about Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi youth. Asian youth culture took aspects of the parent culture, in particular, the acceptance of the struggles their parents went through, and wanting to fight these problems. From a historical perspective, Asian political struggles were observed in the 1950s and 60s, prior to when Indians and Pakistanis entered the country. Asian political members were located within the realms of left wing politics. Examples being MP Saklatava (MP for Battersea). Rajani Palme Dutt, was another influential communist writer, who lived in London. The first association set up was the Indian Workers Association (IWA) in 1938. It was conceived in order for members to help fund for independence in India. However following Indian independence in 1947, the IWA was di sbanded. The IWA were setup again in order to provide support for Asians coming to the UK, during mass emigration. Though individuals within the IWA comprised of different left wing parties within India, they sought to work together, not only provide social welfare to migrants emigrating, but to also deal with the problems of racism. Further, the ethos stated their unwavering stance in tackling racism within society, quoting to, fight against all forms of discriminationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. promote the cause of friendship, peace and freedom (p.40). Mike Brake wrote that Asian parents were in control of many aspects of their childrens lives. Females were closely watched by parents and part of the rules were that they were unable to go out at night, and due to this, it wasnt unusual for girls to attend daytime raves. Asian parents were unlikely to approve of their sons attending multi racial youth organisations, as it was feared that they would fall into bad company and furthermore, different religious and cultural traditions (1980, 129). Brake commented that for Asian youth, home and school were two distinctive different worlds. Brake further believes that the different worlds gives reason to explain why youths wanted to seek new ways, different from their parent cultures, in order to deal with the racism in society, as the parent culture had failed to do so. By the mid to late 1970s the first generation of Asian youth were confronted by racism within a number of aspects. Furthermore, the youth continued to watch their parents being victims to racism within the employment system, through getting less pay than their white counterparts. Moreover, the 1970s was characterised by the recession that took place. During this time African- Carribeans and Asians were seen as the scapegoat. Nevertheless, looking specifically at the Asian community, media reports were published which quoted headlines such as, Asian flood and Asian invasion (2006, 42). Heightened tensions were seen in 1976, when Gurdip Singh Chaggar was killed by racists. To make matters worse, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Robert Mark commented that the motives for Gurdips death may have not been due to racism. This was met by widespread outrage within the Asian community, blaming the National Front for the murder. Division was found when the IWA wanted to work through diplom atic channels, to address the problem, however, Asian youths wanted to carry out direct action. Due to this, youth in Southall decided to organise a march, shouting, we shall fight like lions (2006, 42). During the demonstration, they staged a sit in and refused to leave until two detainees who were part of the demonstrations had been released. This was seen as a watershed moment, as this brought about the emergence of the Southall Youth Movement (SYM). What was more intriguing about Asian youth culture, is the way in which they perceived themselves to be politically black within a white society. Although knowing they were not black, as in terms of skin colour, thoroughly felt black as a political position. There was an innate sense of unity between them and youth of African/ Caribbean origin, as they were experiencing the same struggles and hardships. However, in the eyes of racist white N.F.s, African and Caribbean youth were seen as hard individuals, who could stand up for themselves. However, Asian youth were seen in an obverse light and in consideration of this, Asian youth culture drew on black political movement transatlantic, especially, the Black Panther group. On the AYM flag, they adopted the black fist to portray an image of collective strength, solidarity and defiance. Therefore black was moulded into a concept of political identity uniting against all forms of racism, further symbolising that racist attitudes should no longer be tolerated or accepted. From this research, it is clear to see that Asian subculture was non secular and non sectarian. It was a culture that embraced all Asian citizens regardless of the country of origin. Resonating with the work of Cohen, Asian youth cultures identified there were contradictions within society, thus feeling these had to be resolved. Bhangra was a major characteristic of South Asian culture, in that the music displayed a cultural meaning. Bhangra emerged in Britain during the 1950s. The south Asian population brought a distinctive heritage which was seen in their music. The 1970s was a particularly important time within the transition of Bhangra music. During this time a BBC TV Asian program called Naya Zindagi, Neya Jeevan shifted the emphasis of their series to South Asian British groups and artists. Alaap was a group from Southall who were often played on the show. Their music brought a distinctive fashion to bhangra, fusing bhangra with elements of disco music, known as the Southall twist. On examination of the research, I would take the view that the transition demonstrated Cohens work on the relationship between the parent and youth subculture. The first generation of Asian youth within Britain never had the same contact with South Asia as their parents had, so they altered the style of bhangra music in ord er to create their own meaning for themselves. This new form of bhangra had distinct values and meanings for Asian youth in Britain. As result of its commercialisation, some have drawn parallels with grime and reggae music, in the way in which its lost its distinctiveness as a purely distinctive Asian youth culture. In recent times, there have been a increase in the amount of songs which have elements of bhangra and hip pop flavours which have been released. Examples of these are Punjabi MC- Knight Rider Bhangra, and Jay Sean Ride it. My own approach is that similarly to comments on reggae, although bhangra has now been commercialised, one would still identify as a distinctive, as when one listens to the music, one identifies to a specific ethnic group of people. Upon reflection, ethnic youth subcultures have had profound effect within British society. Since post emigration of ethnic minorities from the Commonwealth, Britain have witnessed distinctive ethnic cultures emerging. Rooting from the growing racism and discrimination, happening through a number of avenues. Parent culture somewhat influenced youth subcultures. However, in line with Cohens theory, both Africa/ Caribbean and Asian youth, felt that parent subcultures had not dealt with the problems they were facing, thus having to create new subcultures to solve the contradictions. Although there are some who question the distinctiveness of the subcultures, my own approach is that, in essence ethnic subcultures were created as a way to create identity and meaning through confidence, unity and self realisation, but at the same time defy against racism. Nevertheless, certain elements have been adopted by youth of different ethnicities, such as Rastafarian dress and the listening of bhangr a. Although saying this, there have been plausible evidence to demonstrate that black subculture has lost its distinctiveness, now adopting social class reasoning. Looking at certain grime songs and gangs in urban areas, there has now been the notion of being hard and getting money. The youth have been overwhelmingly working class and have embraced those of different ethnicities, who are in the same social position, struggling against the class system, rather than being in Babylon.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Stress in the Police Force: Causes and Effects

Stress in the Police Force: Causes and Effects Abstract This paper discusses police and the stress they deal with on a daily basis. It goes in depth on the negative issues of stress on police officers, the causes of stress and how stress can be managed. Lastly, this paper concludes that in order to have successful officers in our community we must address the significance of stress.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stress is a term used by many, but it is often misunderstood. Parker (2006) describes stress as physical and mental responses between personal experience and expectations. There is positive stress which helps improve athletic performance due to motivation that causes people to feel competitive, but generally stress is associated with negativity. Stress can be defined as the bodies reaction to internal and external stimuli that disrupts the bodies normal state. Stress normally upsets the normal state. The stimuli that causes stress can be physical, mental, or emotional. The body has to react to stressful situations which are called the flight-or-fight response and the body’s subconscious decision is critical for law enforcement officers.   Officer’s initial reaction to an incident cannot be to run away from it they must run to it because it is there duty and citizens are relying on them. However, stress can weaken and disturb the bodys defense mechanisms and may play a role in developing hypertension, ulcers, cardiovascular disease, and possibly even cancer. Stress alone does not cause sickness but it is a contributing factor to the development of certain illnesses. This can be very detrimental to a police officer’s career and wellbeing. So it becomes critical that we analyze the leading factors in stress for cops and find out how it can be combatted to make a better more sustainable police force.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Overview of Stress in law Enforcement  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Law enforcement officers deal with four categories of stress which are external, organizational, personal, and operational. Eternal stressed is caused by real dangers that officers face outside of the office. These dangers can be found at every single traffic stop they make no matter how routine it is. There is always that unknown factor that causes them to stress. Organizational stress on officers comes from the military like structure within the department. This can include the strange hours and the constant changing duties for the officers. Personal stress is produced from interpersonal relationships within the department. This can come from relationships with other officers or with your superiors. Finally, operational stress comes from the daily confrontation of bad things. This can include officers dealing with criminals or looking at deaths. This creates stress for them. There is not just one way that will cause an officer to stress, instead there are multiple different facotrs that lead to officer stress. Therefore, multiple different approaches need to be taken in order to reduce thesed stress levels and produce and better law enforcement officer.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Negative Outcomes of Stress Work related factors that lead to increased stress in officers are: risky situations, organizational stress, and shift work. All of these stress catalysts can take a toll on police officers and can eventually negatively change their work performance. There are all sorts of way that officers cope with their stress levels and the majority of them are self-destructive and prove to be detrimental to their career. These can be harmful not only the individual officer but also the community in which they are serving. According to A National Institute of Justice report some other consequences of being a police officer that causes stress are cynicism and suspiciousness, emotional detachment from aspects of daily life, reduced efficiency, absenteeism and early retirement, excessive aggressiveness, alcoholism and other substance abuse problems, marital or other family problems, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicide (Dempsy, Forst, 2016, p. 174). There are also specific health issues such a s heart attacks, ulcers, weight gain, and other health problems. An early study 2,300 police officers in 20 U.S. police departments revealed that 37% had serious marital problems, 36% had health problems, 23% had alcohol problems, 20% had problems with their children, and 10% had drug problems (Dempsy, Forst, 2016, p. 174-175). Stress commonly leads to family issues, fatigue and alcoholism. The prolonged effects of stress are very damaging to a human being. A study was done on the police officers in Buffalo, New York to see if stressors related to on the job work correlated with long-term physical and mental health. The study was prompted by the assumption that the high demands and exposure to human misery and death has a connection between obesity, suicide, sleeplessness and cancer (Goldbaum, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Causes of Stress According to Waters & Ussery (2007), Police officers put themselves in many different dangerous situations on a daily basis and even a routine traffic stop can potentially lead to a fight for their life. Police officers constantly are dealing with people throughout their work day and not everyone they come in contact with are in a stable state of mind. The unknown factor is one of the hardest for police officers to get past because they don’t know anything about the individual they are about to come in contact with or how they view the police. For example, members of the Hmong community are going to react much differently to an officer approaching them than an old white lady. Another extremely dangerous and difficult job that officers deal with are people on drugs like alcohol or PCP. When a person is high on PCP they lose their pain threshold and become almost superhuman. It can take a while for an officer to identify what drug a person is on and it creates increased stress a s they are tensing up ready for anything. Officers cannot allow themselves to relax while they are on duty and the constant life or death situations can take a toll on any person’s mental state and induce stress. Stinchcomb (2004) states that another stress police officers have is organizational stress. Police officers deal with life threatening situations and traumatic encounters, but are also required to fill out paperwork and make sure their deskwork duties get completed as well as everything else. Organizational problems can stem from an organization becoming too centralized. Law enforcement departments must be sure to include lower ranked officers in the decision making process. They must feel like a contributing factor tio the department and not just a pawn. An additional organizational stress example is officers trying to take work time off during the holidays. Since police departments run 24/7 365 days of the year officers must make sacrifices and work on holidays lik e Christmas even if this means they miss seeing their family. However, this can be a great cause of stress for many officers especially the family orientated ones. It becomes stressful trying to make sure you have the day off or the officer with the youngest kids has the day to be with the family. The stress can be compounded to by outside forces such as your wife harassing you about not being home with the family enough. Often overlooked, organizational stress is can easily become a silent killer for many officers. Another factor that contribute to police stress is their rotating shift work. Shift work is described as the â€Å"regular† (non-overtime) employment hours outside of the general 7am to 6pm working interval. According to Waters & Ussery (2007), studies have shown that most shift workers only get approximately seven hours of sleep or less than those who work normal hours and average about five and a half hours of sleep a night. It is no secret that police officers work unusual shifts. Since officers are assigned shifts based upon seniority, newer officers generally have to work less than desirable work hours. That combined with the pressure of the demanding new job can be extremely harmful for young men and women in the profession. Waters & Ussery (2007) also state that rotating shift work is an added stress for police officers because once they start getting used to a certain sleep pattern, they are forced to re-adjust to a different time. Changing sleep patterns can add stres s to an officer’s already stressful life and can have both physical and psychological effects on officers. Also, court dates can interfere with an officer’s sleep schedule because court is hearings are during the day. So an officer that works graveyards and sleeps during the day is forced to stay awake and can suffer from sleep deprivation. The lack of sleep like many know can cause mood swings and change a person’s attitude. The profession of a police officer can often involve long hours. Fatigue and sleep loss are crucial in regular functions of how officers’ bodies run. While on the job, officers remain in their cars to watch for possible dangers. Krause (2012) references vigilance and fatigue becoming a problem when the police tasks are extended for long periods of time because it can reduce attention and alertness while raising stress levels. Sleep deprivation in comparable to excessive drinking and has the same effects. A sleep deprivation study sho wed that not sleeping for seventeen hours impaired a person’s motor skills to a person who has a blood alcohol level of .05 percent (Amenodola et. al., 2011). Officers that are fatigued tend to have more work related accidents. According to the National Institute of Justice, research has showed that fatigued officers use more sick leave, are more likely to use inappropriate force more frequently, more likely to be involved in a vehicle accident, and also have a higher likelihood of dying in the line of duty (Amenodola et. al., 2011).     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stress Management Stress is an unavoidable aspect of law enforcement but there are numerous ways to manage it successfully in order to have a long and prosperous career that ends in a healthy retirement. One way police officers can reduce stress is by making sure they are not fatigued which means making sure they get enough rest. Police departments need to promote 10 hour work shifts nationwide instead of 12 hour shifts. There also needs to be plenty of swing shift coverage so officers can get off when they are scheduled. If there were policies or programs implemented in police organizations to recognize the dangers of fatigue on the job it could lead to healthier officers. To help with officer stress levels there are early intervention systems that monitor the performance of officers and based off various factors officers can be identified for an intervention (Walker, 2011). Management would be able to identify the level of fatigue an officer could have and schedule accordingly. Dennis (2007) suggest s having managers limit the number of hours officers work within a 24 hour period and being able to set a max hour limit to avoid overtime. Both of these are important for an officer’s fatigue because it will create set schedules so police can prepare accordingly. Improvement on scheduling programs can be beneficial with agencies to help maintain officers at a well-functioning level. There is no way to completely eliminate stress, but one way to reduce it is by working out and taking care of their bodies. According to Anxiety and Association of America (ADAA), working out is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function. This can be especially helpful when stress has depleted your energy or ability to concentrate. â€Å"Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-est eem. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects† ( Other benefits of exercising are that it pumps up your endorphins and focusing on a single task can be calming and clear the mind from the days stresses. According to the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is available for law enforcement officers to participate in. The structure of a CISD usually consists of the presence of   Ã¢â‚¬Å"one or more mental health professionals and one or more peer debriefs, i.e. fellow police officers or emergency service workers who have been trained in the CISD process and who may have been through critical incidents and debriefings themselves.† A typical debriefing takes place within twenty-four to seventy-two hours after the critical incident, and consists of a single group meeting that last approximately two-three hours, although shorter or longer meetings are determined by circumstances ( CISD consists of seven standard phases to help the officer cope with whatever traumatic incident he/she has been through in an effort to handle the stress before it negatively effects them. Although stress is unavoidable in some circumstance there are ways to prevent chronic stress. Police officers can change their lifestyle in order to manage their personal stress. They can try to avoid using alcohol and nicotine as coping mechanisms of stress. These factors can actually contribute to stress. A better diet and exercising can be beneficial by improving the resilience of the body and mind to stressful situations. Also, limiting your duty work hours to no more than twelve hours a day can help manage stress as well as talking about emotions to process what has been seen and done (Dennis 2007). References Amenodola, K., Weisburd, D., Jones, G., & Slipka, M. (2011). Police Foundation. Retrieved April 1, 2017, from Dempsey, J. S., & Forst, L. S. (2016).  An introduction to policing. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage    Learning. Dennis, L. (2007, August). Police fatigue: an accident waiting to happen. PsycEXTRA Dataset. Goldbaum, E. (2012, July 9). Police officer stress creates significant health risks. States News Service.    Home | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3, 2017,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from Law Enforcement Traumatic Stress: Clinical Syndromes and Intervention Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3, 2017, from Parker, H. (2006). Stress management. Delhi, IN: Global media. Stinchcomb, J. (2004). Searching for stress in all the wrong places: Combating chronic organizational stressors in policing. Police Practice & Research, 5(3), 259-277. Waters, J.A., & Ussery, W. (2007). Police stress: history, contributing factors, symptoms, and interventions. Policing, 30(2), 169-188.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Documents Reflect History :: History

Documents Reflect History Written documents reflect what has happened. Actions that may have happened in history, give historical documents a reason to be. Although actions may not have occurred to cause documents to be written, they may have been just to prevent them from happening. The Declaration of Independence clearly states that the American colonists felt that having a political break with Great Britain would be needed. This was stated because the American colonists were getting tired of the high taxes and having their government ruled by a king living across an ocean. The Constitution of the United States became a document because the people who formatted the Constitution wanted to make a government strong enough to secure the rights of citizens and fight back with the country against its enemies. They wanted this because they wanted to be able to stand up against anyone or anything that came against the government. One of the purposes for the Constitution being written was to make laws and establish courts that are fair. This purpose was stated because if courts are not fair and laws are not just, then it will be as if we were still under the tyrannical rule of the King of England. The Martin Luther King Jr. â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech is a historical document. This document is known to be a new phase of the civil rights movement beginning in 1960, initiated by a new generation of African Americans and extremely supported by young liberal Caucasians. Many events occurred to give reasoning for this document to be written. Segregation took place and Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for what he believed in. He stated that the African Americans were not free and were not treated equal, as they should be. He specifically states, â€Å"There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.† This document was written because Martin Luther King Jr. felt the same as many other African Americans, hoping that someday all the racism will vanish and the racist will realize that everyone should get a chance at being treated equally. Of Civil Government by John Locke (1932-1704) became a document stating that we, the people, should take only what we deserve and to not depend on someone else to help you get what you want. Also, we being equal means that we should not hart or harm another in their life, health, liberty, or possessions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

‘Myths get thought in man unbeknowest to him’[1]; As a structuralist, Levi-Strauss ‘offers a number of important reinterpretations of the kinds of ideological thought and practice with ‘symbolic anthropology’, within his analysis of the four Winnebago myths, he sheds light on how change within myth reflects Winnebago society universally. Within each of these myths, the way one goes about living their life determines what happens to them after their life on earth comes to an end. Through using Levi- Strauss’ analysis of each of the four myths, I am going to demonstrate how spiritual change occurs within the Winnebago culture and ‘since structure is entirely relational [...] any content can only arise for us out of the form – the kinship, mythological, or social structures with which anthropology confronts us.’ Structuralism is in a way, attempting to ‘create codes by means of which to communicate.’ To be able to u nderstand our own culture it is simply ‘dialectic’, this is as it is content for our own society; yet when looking at ‘alien cultures it can only be structural – containing knowledge of- and, as such part of the subjectivity of our own society which communicates to us the objectivity of another.’ The chapter, which I am evaluating, is primarily based on myths collected by Radin whilst creating his ethnography of the Winnebago culture. Levi-Strauss chose myths that are all of the same belief but they differ slightly in their forms; the person experiences death but each form differs slightly in each myth, which further develops through the ability to renew lives through the act of heroic traits. Within the first myth, warriors die in battle defending their tribe. This highlights the concept of the capital of life...; that is ambivilant spirits combining good and evil features. So ends the myth.’ Levi-Strauss concludes that that this myth highlights the Winnebago believe that those who live extraordinary lives, yet have qualities that are negative, will neither live nor die.’ Through the use of cross analysis, Levi- Strauss was able to theorise how the people of the Winnebagos interpret and experience how the change affects the spirit of these people. In only pursuing the betterment of the group and not as an individual within the society you are rewarded by the spiritual world, which in turn affects the way in which the members of these tribes act; as they would be punished, which we see with the transformation from human to animal. He demonstrates how we can grasp a good source of information from the symbols that are represented within the culture. [1] Strauss, Levi,

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Human Resources Management JC Penney Essay

JC Penney is ranked number 153 in the fortune 500 company list in the United States for the year 2012. They are one of the largest companies, and have been around for one hundred and ten years. Recently, Management has embarked upon new strategies to improve the company and create a better shopping experience for their customers. To do so, some of their sales tactics, as well as employee training to ensure a successful transaction, as well as satisfaction of customers has been examined and improved greatly. JC Penny has embarked on a new sales strategy to boost sales for the Christmas season. Starting Black Friday through Christmas Eve, employees will be handing out more than 80 million small, holiday-themed, circular buttons to customers. This is a ploy used to increase sales, since behind each button is the chance for customers to win great prizes. This is believed to be a better approach than mailing out coupons, since it ensures customers visit the store; increasing sales and giving them a cut above the rest of their competitors. Apart from using this strategy, the company has recently embarked on marketing strategies to equip employees with the necessary knowledge and tools, to improve sales on an everyday basis. Some of these includes: new pricing strategies, new logo and advertising. What they have done with their sale pricing strategies is made their sale prices into everyday low prices for customers to enjoy yearly. In addition to that, there is also easy to decipher tags. JC Penny is changing the way sales are distinguished by using a new tagging system to identify different prices. A red tag shows an â€Å"Every Day† price, a white tag is a â€Å"Month-Long Value†, and a blue tag shows the â€Å"Best Price.† This provides clarity for customers and makes it easier for them. New logo and advertising also has great influence on customers mentally. According to their press release,â€Å"the new JC Penny logo, which combines the elements that have made JC Penny an enduring American brand, by evoking the nation’s flag and JC Penney’s commitment to treating customers fair and square.† This make customers feel welcomed and appreciated and causes an increase in activity among the population of the United States. However before this can be possible, there must be employees who are competent enough to handle the task. For this purpose there are strategic processes which must be adhered when hiring new workers. This is believed to help in obtaining the best suited applicants for the job. These include individuals who are willing; and also share in the vision of the company. The process by which applicants are recruited into the company is similar to that of most business places; which takes the form of an interview. The interview process is intense and helps the employer to test many different skills and attributes of the employee. This is necessary since it allows employers to meet with potential workers face to face. Therefore it helps to distinguish if they are able to represent the image of the company physically both in attire and expression. In addition it helps employers to screen potential candidates to determine the most honest and experienced candidates. Also it helps to find out the punctuality of employees, something that one has to take into consideration; since unpunctuality can lead to upsets and setbacks in a business. It will also help to give an understanding of the knowledge the prospective employer have of the company. By knowing this, one can be able to tell if potential employees know what is expected of them. After the hiring process is over, the staff must be competent enough to deal with customers. They should have the knowledge and experience to do this in such a way as to build long term relationships with customers. This is to ensure smooth transactions and to avoid the loss of customers through unfriendly habits. JC Penny often provided training for new staff to ensure that they are able to understand and display the image that they would want to portray by the company; to ensure customer satisfaction and avoid hostility and unfriendly approach. One of the training programs offered by JC Penny for new employees is the planning and merchandising trainee program. This helps to give trainees the opportunity to experience first hand how buying, planning, allocation and inventory management integrate to produce products in JC Penny stores nation wide and on The 17-week training program is fast-paced and high-caliber. It gives employees the opportunity to gain insight into store environment processes, visit a logistics center, attend specialized training classes, and more. It also fosters interaction among the staff since Planning and Merchandising team members work side-by-side with other trainees throughout the entire process. A host of projects, activities and hands-on training also helps to facilitate learning; making the process enjoyable for participants. Having senior managers mentoring and coaching you to success will only lead to great achievement. Apart from training of new applicants, development training is also very important in the process of continuing to acquire success. This is because as time change so too do people and therefore strategies that were effective ten years ago may not be as successful today. For this purpose companies have to continue to train their employees so they will be able to comply with the changes of society; since strategic training received over a decade ago won’t be profitable in the workplace today. JC Penny provides sales associates with the skills they need to help the company achieve their business objectives in a challenging, supportive learning environment that fosters achievement. They are given the opportunity to build their skills and improve hands on relationships with customers; as they obtain experience to promote development. Associates typically are trained for a particular department, such as home decor or women wear, but may rotate from department to department based on need; they will also complete additional training for other departments. Helping them to be well rounded individuals who will be equipped enough to fill in where ever they are needed in the company. Therefore this additional training helps employees to be better equipped than when they first entered the workplace; increasing competent performances, and improving their ability to handle situations. In addition to normal rotation training, employees also have the opportunity to participate in developmental workshops offered by the company for which they qualify. Therefore this will help to mold them into very capable young individuals, with great experience for future endeavors. Because of the sales force strategies used at JC Penny, the company is noted as one which has both the interest of employees and customers at hand. The training offered to their staff is well executed and well received; resulting in JC Penny being described as a company that turns jobs into careers. In addition, it also creates innovative ways for customers to view the shopping experience; since the sales tactic they use make the experience much more easier, straight forward and convenient than most of their competitors.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pest Analysis of Sainsburys in a 3rd World Country Essay

Interest rate, economic growth, monetary and fiscal policy, inflation and the exchange rates are the important economic factors. These factors play a vital role in a firm’s business strategy and decision making. Every country has it’s own culture and the nation has a strong impact on their living. The social and cultural influences on business vary from country to country. Social  factors include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, language, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company’s products and how that company operates. For example, the roles of men and women in the society. Furthermore, companies may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends Technological  factors have vital place in PEST analysis. Some markets are labour intensive and some are capital intensive. Technological factors determine  barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence  outsourcing  decisions. It is one of the major drivers of globalization and is the base for competitive advantage. Innovation is offered to the customers or consumers through technology for example internet banking, smart phones etc. It also enables the firm to produce a product cheaply and to a better quality in standard. Pakistan is the sixth most populated country in the world with over 180 million people. It is estimated that the 25% of the population belongs to the middle income class. It is also estimated that 55% of the Pakistani population is in the 10-40 years age bracket. The upper middle-income class is estimated at 17 million with relatively high per capita income which favours more consumer spending. The average Pakistani consumer spends 42% of his income on food related products. The upcoming changes in demographic will create opportunities and challenges for businesses in Pakistan. Pakistan’s food retail sector is unorganised and highly dominated by independent small stores. Over the past few years, some large European food retailers have opened stores in all major Pakistani metropolitan cities like Makro, Metro and Carrefour (Hyper star). Pakistani families are attracted towards these stores due to their strategic location, multiple product range and imported processed food. Studies also show that there has been a significant shift to organized format of shopping from traditional format, in urban areas. This provides a challenging and profitable opportunity to other food retailers to enter the market. Sainsburys provides convenient shopping under one roof, has wide range of products, consumer friendly environment, large storage and discounted prices. These factors give Sainsburys an advantage over other food retailers currently present in Pakistan. If Sainsburys decides to enter in food retail sector then it has to perform a PEST analysis. PEST Analysis of Sainsburys in Pakistan : Political Factors : The political factors revolve around the current government in a country. Currently, in Pakistan, the ruling party is Pakistan People’s Party which was democratically elected in 2008. Though it is backed by western powers but still is considered to be a weak government. The basic questions arise such as how stable is the political or is there any government intervention in the economic policy making or laws and legislation protecting the businesses. Unfortunately, due to weak governments in the past, the security and corruption has been the key issues Pakistan has been facing over the the last decade. Which certainly is not a good sign for any foreign investors. However, giants in food-retail sectors like Metro and Carrefour ( hyper star) have set an example with an increasing growth in profit and expansion even in such circumstances. Sainsburys may enter in the Pakistani market with it’s variety of products which are available under one roof, as the increasing trend in urban areas shows, there will be high demand for it. Political factors may also include the goods and services which the governments want to provide or be provided. Sainsburys collects much of it’s revenue by selling it’s wide range of wines and spirits. Pakistani law prohibits the sale or consumption of any type of wines and spirits within its geographical boundaries, Sainsburys will not be allowed to sell it in their stores which may negatively affect their sales. Government of Pakistan ensures that there is foreign investment in Pakistan and it has signed a few trade agreements too. It also provides foreign investors the incentives to invest here. Partial ownership by the Pakistan government usually serves as an insurance policy for the share holders and the investors. Economic Factors: Extremely volatile oil prices are the root cause of global financial crisis in Pakistan which has also worsened the energy crisis. These two factors increase the cost of production. High inflation is a key resultant of it As Sainsburys produce much of it’s products in stores so they may go beyond their feasible region in producing a product. Interest rates are at their peak, economic growth is quite slow and this is due to the low level of lending and purchasing power of the consumer is weak. Though it is a labour intensive country and labour supply is quite high and also available at low cost than most other countries but unemployment is rising regardless of the above mentioned fact. The gap between rich and poor continues to expand and the percentage of poor is increasing everyday. However relatively quite cheaper labour may do a significant impact in Sainsburys production. It will also bring employment opportunities for young and skilled labour. Heavy loans from financial institutions like IMF and world bank has made the government in debt upto neck and there are no significant changes in sight. However financial aid packages in the name of war on terror and from the friends of Pakistan has kept the economy from collapsing. Pakistan has integrated with global economy and has brought positive impact on economy with increase in GDP. Despite of the worse conditions, Investing in such a country where cheap labour is available and more than half of the country’s population lies in the labour force, targeting middle-income class-keeping the fact in mind that government provides support to private investors would not be a bad decision. Social Factors : The culture and religion are very close to each other in Pakistan. As mentioned above this will affect the sales of wines and spirits of Sainsburys as it is not only prohibited by the dominant religion and prohibited by law but the targeted class does not accept it too. Health and Education are the two important sectors for any developing nations and Pakistan lack both of them and government of Pakistan fails to allocate the required budget in both the sectors. However, people like to shop and come with families to the big retail stores. There has been a significant shift from traditional to organized format. The studies show that 11% of the population tend to buy long life food related products in advance for a month. Sainsburys provides a healthy and safe environment to work with,which for a change would attract the people to work and shop here. In comparison to the past, women have also started to contribute in the labor force. Language will be a barrier for the citizens of Pakistan as english is not the first language in Pakistan. Buying imported products is considered a status symbol in Pakistan so there is a high demand for foreign products in Pakistan and is appreciated in the local market. According to studies people spend 42% of their income on food related products. So there will be high demand for a food related products provided by Sainsburys. Technological Factors : Technological expertise is overflowed in Pakistan as the labour supply and demand for IT professionals is high. There has been an improvement in the industrial sector but still the country’s imports are higher than exports. Since it is a labour intensive area and not capital intensive so use of technology higher the cost of production but shift to focus more on labour may help Sainsburys to produce it’s products relatively cheaper. There is also a trend of buying products online seen. Sainsburys already provides the service of buying it’s products online which saves much time so the typical â€Å"9-5† workforce can also be targeted.